SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of KVK:

SWOT Analysis of KVK, Champhai District:


a.         Provision of Specialised Scientific staffs in the field of Agriculture and allied sector.

b.         Facilities for Established linkage with ICAR,CAUs & SAUs,etc for technological transfer and advisory services.

c.         Linkage with other line departments viz. Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Vety, Soil conservation, Forestry,etc. 

d.         Established linkage with NGOs viz.All Mizoram Farmers Union (AMFU), Young Mizo Association (YMA), MHIP, SHGs & Societies, etc.

e.         Proper established farm & demonstration units for conducting trials and demonstrations 

f.         Proper facilities in updating of knowledge and skills in the field of information, technologies,etc.



a.         Remoteness in location of KVK, transportation and communication,electrification is restricted.

b.         Lack of Man power in KVK for holistic approach in the entire district 

c.         Unestablished laboratory for conducting scientific tests .

d.         Jhuming & Shifting cultivation being the main system of agricultural practice in the region, implementation of new available technologies are restricted.

e.         Farmers are Reluctant to adopt new and improved technology due to their age old practices.



a.         Production and distribution of various disease free, certified seeds and planting materials.

b.         Good scope of establishing agriculture based industries and generation of employment.

c.         Promotion of farmers for establishment of new orchards 

d.         Development of improved varieties of pig and poultry through systematic upgradation of indigenous breeds.

e.         Opportunity existing for the promotion of slaughter house, byproduct processing, value addition and marketing.

f.          To develop feed formula for pig and poultry by incorporating indigenous and                resources including medicinal herbs, shrubs & tree leafs.

g.         To organize farmer by their different groups and developing cooperate sector on live stock farmers.

h.         Promotion of unconventional lives stock like dog and pigeon because they are also used as meat by the sizeable section.

i.          Application of Post Harvest technology and value addition in the products.



a.         Farmers dependency on government schemes on agriculture, horticulture and allied sectors.

b.         Urbanization of villages and migration of farm labours into the urban areas.

c.         Disturbances of natural balance due to privilage of jhum practice.

d.         Excessive destruction of biodiversity by Jhumming and Heavy rain and landslide is also experiences as threat for cultivation.

e.         Due to the adjacent location and porous nature at the border with Myanmar spread of diseases is the threat in Livestock and allied sector.

f.          Non availability of byproducts utilization facility leads the threat to public health in pig populated pockets.


SWOT Analysis of Agriculture  of Champhai District :


a.         Availability of abundant land resources with organic enriched, fertile soil.

b.         Less use of chemical and fertilizer in the entire district.

c.         Farmers attraction and awareness toward cultivation of cash crops (tea, turmeric)

d.         Potential area for production of various cereals crops and pulses due to suitable agro-ecological conditions.

e.         Availability of abundant low land in foot hills (valley) suitable for paddy (Wet Land Rice Cultivation (WRC).

f.          Slopes of the terrains are suitable for growing cash crops, jhum paddy along with fruit crops.

g.         Farmers having basic (traditional) knowledge of crop cultivation.

h.         Availability of enough man power (labour), their nature of hard working and desireness for learning.


a.         Soil erosion by run off and acidity in the soil in all the region of the district.

b.         Jhuming or shifting cultivation practice on hill slopes.

c.         Poor soil fertility management, unawareness about green manuring, composting etc.

d.         Imbalance use of fertilizers specially blind use  of urea.

e.         Reluctance of farmers towards modern varieties and their package of practices, faith in traditional seeds and way of farming.

f.          Cultivation with very low input and unawareness/negligence for use of available natural resources.

g.         Rampant use of diseased seedlings as a planting material.

h.         Heavy and long spell of rainfall caused land slide and soil erosion and due to this problem, communication and transport system paralyzed in the district.

i.          Lack of awareness regarding soil testing.

j.          Lack of knowledge on integrated management like –IPM, IPNM, IWM.

k.         Reluctant to adopt HYVs of paddy because traditional rice variety in much tastier than HYVs. (i.e. Preferences is mostly by taste of the variety)

l.          Seed treatment is not in practice due lack of awareness.

m.        Farmers having non commercial mindset, they are only dependant on traditional cultivation practices for crop production resulting in low productivity.

n.         Unavailable suitable varieties for the location and their package of practices.

o.         Lack of knowledge and awareness on the use of farm implements.

p.         Non-availability of Farmers Interest Group (FIG) and Self Help Groups (SHGs).

q.         Insufficient government credit institution and its linkages with farming community.

r.          Un availability of agriculture based enterprises.

s.          Lack of proper channel of market and traditional way of selling the produce.


a.         Scope for promotion of organic farming and its trade at national & global level.

b.         Promotion of Horticultural crops especially Passion fruit, Orange,  Grapes& Pineapple in various pockets of the district.

c.         Good scope for promoting organic tea.

d.         Favourable condition for cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the entire district.

e.         Improvement in productivity by introduction of different location specific varieties and their packages of practices.

f.          Production and distribution of various disease free, certified seeds and planting materials.

g.         Opportunity to promote micro-irrigation technology during dry spell (Nov-Feb)

h.         Scope of land reforms and reclamation through proper soil nutrient management.

i.          Higher production potential for WRC and winter season vegetable specially cole crops.

j.          Higher market potential due to nearness of international border and open trade.

k.         Good scope of establishing agriculture based industries and generation of employment.

l.          Application of Post Harvest technology and value addition in the products.


a.         Heavy and long spell of rainfall which causes soil loss, land slide and severe infestation of insect pests and diseases.

b.         Frosty weather during winter which causes crop loss and attack of pests and diseases.

c.         Flowering in bamboo which caused sudden population growth of rodents causing famine in the areas.

d.         Attack of buffaloes on crops during winter season.

e.         Farmers dependency on government schemes on agriculture, horticulture and allied sectors.

f.          Higher rate of population growth 39 % approx. (decadal) which cause small size of land holding.

g.         Jhum cultivation still prevails in these areas which causes deforestation and heavy soil loss through erosion.

h.         Urbanization of villages and migration of farm labours into the urban areas.

i.          No fixation of price in agriculture produces and availability of proper markets.                                         


Strength :

a.         Suitable agro climatic and agro ecological condition for growing various fruit crops.

b.         Farmers having traditional wisdom on cultivation of fruit crops.

c.         Potential area available for cultivation and production of Passion fruit, Grapes, Orange, Pineapple, Turmeric, Ginger etc.

d.         Slopes of terrains are favourable for fruit and vegetable production.

e.         Less use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides in horticultural crops.

f.          Availability of abundant low land in foot hill for winter vegetable products.

g.         Farmers having traditional knowledge of identification of various medicinal plants.


Weaknesses :

a.         Poor storage facilities of fruits and vegetables.

b.         Poor transport and communication service in the district due to the ecological condition.

c.         Lack of knowledge and infrastructure on post harvest technology.

d.         No proper marketing system.

e.         Non availability of processing units for fruit crops.

f.          Use of poor quality of seedlings/planting materials lead to citrus declining.

g.         Unproper establishment of orchards.

h.         Poor soil management, insect pest management and disease management.

i.          Cultivation with zero input.

Opportunities :

a.         High density population planting in various fruit crops and mixed and inter cropping.

b.         Awareness on various post harvest techniques lead to help in getting good price.

c.         Production and supply of disease free planting material and seedlings of various fruits and vegetables.

d.         Establishment of processing industry specially for Grapes and Passion fruit.

e.         Promotion of farmers for establishment of new orchards as well as rejuvenation of old orchards in the district.

f.          Attracting  buyer by taking organic certificate of fruit crops.

h.         Generating employment through cultivation of high rate low volume crops.

Threats :

a.         Declining of citrus and other orchards due to higher infestation of insect pest and diseases, lack of nutrient management etc.

b.         Due to remoteness of area and perishable in nature of produce more chances of damage.

c.         Disturbances of natural balance due to privilage of jhum practice.

d.         No fixation of price of horticulture produces by government.

e.         Heavy rain and landslide is also experiences as threat for horticultural crop cultivation.





Strength :       

a.         Favourable and varied climatic condition which leads to rearing of a variety of animal species suiting their adaptability

b.         District having enough area coverage with grasses, bushes and forest trees.

c.         Farmers having traditional knowledge and practice of rearing live-stocks.

d.         Non vegetarian food habit of tribals (indigenous) population is good strength for live-stock development in the district.

e.         Wide animal and plant –biodiversity of the district leads for germplasm and feed resource exploration.

f.          Unparallel and positive attitude of people is an excellent strength for development of this sector.



a.         Remoteness and transportation bottleneckness are hindering the desired growth of this sector.

b.         Due to heavy rainfall and high humidity animals are vulnerable to various disease and parasites.

c.         Tendency of farmers to raise live-stock on zero or very negligible inputs.

d.         Lack of organized marketing channel.

e.         Lack of processing and value addition facilities.

f.          Due to absence of abattoirs, slaughter house byproducts are wasted.

g.         Inadequate vaccine facilities and their storage caused to failure in desired health of live stock.

h.         Lack of sound breeding and production policy.

i.          Lacking live stock raiser’s organization and co-operatives.

j.          No proper linkage of farmers with credit institutions.

k.         Lacking of superior germ plasm because germ plasm production centre are very few in number and poorly managed due to financial crunches.

Opportunity :

a.         Development of improved varieties of pig and poultry through systematic breeding in wild and indigenous breeds.

b.         Meat revolution through industrialization of pork production. 

c.         Due to popularization of duck egg and meat there is wide scope of promotion for duckary  along with poultry in the district.

d.         Promotion of unconventional lives stock like dog and pigeon because they are also used as meat by the sizeable section.

e.         Opportunity existing for the promotion of slaughter house, by product processing, value addition and marketing.

f.          To develop feed formula for pig and poultry by incorporating indigenous        and                resources including medicinal herbs, shrubs & tree leafs.

g.         To organize farmer by their different groups and developing cooperate sector on live stock farmers.



a.         Increasing trend of land degradation due to the unhealthy practice leads to forest loss is the big threat to this sector.

b.         Due to the adjacent location of district with Myanmar spread of diseases is the threat.

c.         Non availability of byproducts utilization facility leads the threat to public health in pig populated pockets.

e.         Higher growth trend in prices of feed ingredients and other input in also experienced as a threat.

f.          Natural calamities and due to high humidity and rainfall infestation/attack of various pests and diseases.